/ Andy,Mikita
《星际之门:宇宙(Stargate Universe)》的设定是人类在成功揭开星际之门第九个符号的秘密之后,一组探险队员被传送到荒废已久的古人飞船 quot;命运号quot; 上。这艘飞船是古人在其文明达到顶峰的时候建造的,它是古人的一次重大实验,承载着一项重要任遗憾的是,这个实验始终未能完成。 探险队员很快发现他们被困在了 quot;命运号quot; 上,无法通过原路返回地球。他们只有登上 quot;命运号quot;,向未知的宇宙深处出发。一路上,船员们将与古人先前向宇宙发射的星际之门一一取得联系,实现 quot;命运号quot; 最初的任务。这些星际之门在 quot;命运号quot; 被建造之前几个世纪就已被安放好了,quot;命运号quot; 能与其航向同步的时间窗口很短。一旦错过了其中一个,回头再找已经很困难了。此外,quot;命运号quot; 在旅途中还将遇到无数新的种族、敌人和奇闻趣事。
詹尼斯:蓝调小女孩 Janis: Little Girl Blue
/ 艾米·博格
The documentary follows the main stages of Janis Jolin’s life, from her erformance at Monterey Po in 1967 to Woodstock in 1969 and Festival Exress in 1970, including interviews with relatives, friends and rock stars of her time. The soundtrack features Janis Jolin’s hits, among which Cry Baby, Mercedes Benz and Piece of My Heart. Amy Berg shows the woman behind the myth, other than the rockroll icon, unveils a gentle, innocent yet woman. Well known as rock icon, the ersonal story of Janis Jolin is very comlex. Janis serves as a narrator, telling us her life through the letters she wrote to her friends, relatives and lovers, leading us in a journey that starts from her childhood.
未麻的部屋 Perfect Blue
/ 今敏
当红三人少女偶像团体Charming Bird面临解散,核心成员雾越未麻在事务所的安排下不得不退出团体,转型成为一名电视剧演员。万事开头难,对于偶像歌手转型而来的未麻尤其如此,她在工作中承受着压力,闷闷不乐。与此同时,各种恐吓信不断、经纪人田所先生遇袭以及以自己的口吻在网站上写日记的神秘人都让未麻焦虑不已,恍惚间她甚至看到另一个自己。 nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;未麻的苦恼无人知晓,贪婪的田所甚至同意剧组的剧本,要求未麻出演一场尺度极大的强暴戏。这次演出成为未麻演艺事业的转折点,她的出镜率开始攀升,甚至还拍摄了裸露的写真。与此相对,电视剧编剧涩谷和曾给未麻拍下裸照摄影师村野接连遇害。未麻的生活变得混乱不堪,真相究竟如何? nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;本片荣获1997年亚洲奇幻电影节最佳亚洲影片。
/ 内详