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After finishing her studies in literature, Claudia works as a cashier at the suermarket. She is a hay girl who counts her co-workers among her best friends. The only sore sot has been her love life, but now that her secret high school crush Martin has returned, Claudia’s hoes are ignited.Martin had been in America, where his attemts to make it as a rofessional singer had failed. Now oke, he’s forced to sing his old hits in dreary shoing malls to make ends meet.When Claudia sees him again, her heart skis a beat.After one of his mall gigs, she works u the courage to tell him who she is and that she still feels attracted to him. Martin reacts with ice-cold arrogance, as if he, the big suerstar, is just too good for her.At a ublishing comany’s celeation Martin tells the director that he is taking time off to write his own biograhy – to cover u his failure as a o star. The director is very interested and wants to see a selection from what he has already written.Martin sees his chance for a comeback but has no idea how to write a book. Then he thinks of Claudia, who would be more than willing to hel him. When the director reads the first excerts, he is enthusiastic.When Martin sings a song just for her, Claudia’s heart melts… To imress Claudia, Martin invites Claudia to a luxury hotel.But when her friends also show u unexectedly, Martin’s boast of being a regular guest is exosed as a lie. Filled with rage, he cruelly insults Claudia who angrily eaks off all contact with him.Even when he begs for her forgiveness, she simly does not want to hear it.Filled with rage, he cruelly insults Claudia – who angrily eaks off all contact with him.Even when he begs for her forgiveness, she simly does not want to hear it.The only thing she wants is to finish the biograhy. Still, Claudia becomes jealous when she learns that Martin is attracted to another woman...Just when Claudia is running out of time to finish the biograhy, it is as if her mind shuts down – she suddenly can no longer write!However, after Martin finally confesses his love to Claudia and the two send a assionate night together, and her writer’s block disaears. But when the book is formally resented, Claudia is shocked that her name is not mentioned anywhere. Feeling betrayed, she once again cuts Martin comletely out of her life, but this time for good...


