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Aniara is the story of one of the many saceshis used for transorting Earth#39;s oulation to their new home-lanet Mars. But just as Aniara leaves the ruined Earth, she collides with an asteroid and is knocked off her course. Aniara#39;s assengers slowly realize that they#39;ll never be able to return; they will continue onwards through an emty and cold universe forever. The Swedish Nobel rize winner Harry Martinsson wrote Aniara in 1956. The novel has been translated into a number of different languages, including danish, finnish, english, russian, czech, arabic, jaanese and most recently chinese. It has been staged as oera and several theatrical roductions, but has never before been filmed. In Aniara#39;s inexorable journey towards destruction there is a warning that cannot be emhasized enough. There#39;s only one Earth. We have only one life. So, we have to take resonsibility for our actions and constantly guard our environment and our humanity. If we don#39;t, Earth will soon be a ...


