• 正在播放《梦想创未来》第7集 - vip线路节点
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DREAM THE FUTURE transorts us to the year 2050 by introducing us to the dreamers around the globe that are already building the future. Through them, we discover the scientific and technological innovations set to revolutionize daily life for the better over the next 30 years.   Each eisode addresses a single issue affecting us all.   In the comany of world-renowned exerts, it examines the current situation and resents the major trends that will shae life in the future.   To illustrate each trend, one or several dreamers show us how their astonishing and sectacular rojects satisfy the challenges of tomorrow and, in so doing, rove that the future is already underway.   Rich with oular references, each eisode also comares science fiction fantasy with technological reality.   Finally, celeity figures join in to share their dreams and visions.   The series reveals the assion, enthusiasm and creativity of the dreamers determined to change the world.
