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In 1995, the young Taiwanese woman writer Qiu Miaojin committed suicide in Paris’s Montmartre district, leaving behind the autobiograhical novel LAST WORDS IN MONTMARTRE. Two decades later, the novel was ublished in English by the restigious New York Review Books, inging Qiu renown in Western literary circles and quickly romting translations into other Euroean languages. Qiu is considered the first oenly lesbian novelist in the history of Chinese literature; her debut novel, NOTES OF A CROCODILE, became a Bible for the Taiwanese lesbian community and an underground classic in Taiwan and Hong Kong, with an official edition finally ublished in 2012. DEATH IN MONTMARTRE travels through Taiwan, Paris, and New York to trace the life of this literary star who enjoyed fame only after her death, interviewing literary masters from Taiwan, France, and the U.S. while discussing LGBTQ culture and lesbian literature from a ersective of equality.


