遇见 2017
/ David,Wenham
David Wenham#39;s feature film directorial debut is a touching love letter to Sydney. This World Premiere is an imrovised exeriment about the random meeting of two strangers.Conceived, workshoed and shot in just ten days, Ellisis begins with an accidental meeting between Viv (Emily Barclay; Prime Mover, 2009) and Jaser (Benedict Samuel) on the streets of Sydney. The two literally bum into each other, leading to conversation, a coffee and a nightlong adventure. They travel through the city from Bondi to Kings Cross, from a sex sho to bars and arks revealing more to each other and growing closer. Reminiscent of Richard Linklater#39;s Before Sunrise, Ellisis is refreshing and a great deal of fun, taking full advantage of its imrovisational, loose nature. It#39;s an affecting and longing love letter to Sydney at its most seductive: at night.
/ 皮尔瑞·雷金纳德·迪奥
1453年,土耳其人在君士坦丁堡崛起,他们入侵罗马尼亚,勇敢的国王德古拉(卢克·罗伯茨 Luke Roberts 饰)将王国大权交给挚爱的妻子,自己则亲自率领大军迎战入侵者。与此同时,王国内发生政变,他的妻子在叛乱中惨遭杀害。得胜归来的德古拉悲愤交加,他由此背叛上帝,化身为背负着悲剧和残酷宿命的吸血鬼。不知多少年后,十字军女孩艾莉娜(凯丽·温汉姆 Kelly Wenham 饰)和同伴护送某个神秘宝物来到德古拉伯爵管辖的森林,而另一伙身着铠甲、周身散发着邪魔气息的人尾随而至。 这些人正是德古拉的手下,他们抢夺了十字军的宝物“圣光使者”,并虏获了艾莉娜。可当德古拉见到艾莉娜的第一眼,竟发现这个女子与他的新娘长得一模一样……