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 《全球重大凶案系列》(crimes that shock the world)系列共计六集,将震惊全球的连环杀手奇残酷的凶杀手法公诸于世;并将鉴识人员巨细靡遗的搜证精神及不屈不挠终破奇案的过程透过一个小时的节目介绍给观众。「连续杀人犯」是指在一段时间内杀害许多人的人,他们通常会一再使用同样的杀人手法。有些人连续犯案的时间会持续好几年,像是连环杀手BTK,而有些两次犯案的时间则是会隔很久。 连续杀人犯作案的手法不但都大不相同,连选择杀害的对象类型也很不一样。 有些连续杀人犯会随机犯案,而有些则会锁定特定的对象下手。最令人愤怒的就是,有些被害者手无缚鸡之力,还被应该要照顾他们的人杀害,像是别号为「死亡天使」的比佛莉艾利特。幸好现在的鉴识科学和犯罪心理学愈来愈发达,让办案人员能够指认出一直游走在法网边缘的杀人犯,并将他们绳之以法。
荒野求生 第七季
/ Discovery,Andrew Wood,Ross Bowyer
1quot;South Islandquot;July 18, 2011Bear Grylls must fling himself out of a lane and arachute to safety to reach this remote area. Crossing the country#39;s highest mountain range and starting a fire in a waterlogged forest are just some of the unredictable things he faces in this terrain.2quot;Fire And Icequot;July 25, 2011Bear Grylls is droed on an ice ca covering an active volcano. In blizzard conditions he struggles to make headway, and the barren land offers little food. Can he reach civilization when faced with swollen river crossings and ever resent flash floods?3quot;Red Rock Countryquot; nbs; nbs;August 12, 2011Bear Grylls is in red rock country - southern Utah. Armed only with a lasso, he descends a rock innacle and gets traed in a narrow gorge. Crossing an arid wilderness, he#39;s left hanging 100 ft above a ravine. And Bear#39;s craziest airlane stunt ever!4quot;Land of The Maoriquot;August 19, 2011Over 100 eole drown each year in New Zealand, and Bear must cross a raging river on a tree trunk to head toward civilization. On his journey to safety he runs out of water, is forced to climb u active volcanic ranges and scale down a waterfall.5quot;Working the Wildquot;November 29, 2011Bear Grylls takes the viewer behind the scenes to meet the crew that follows his every ste. Whether he#39;s juming from helicoters or eating the unimaginable, the camera is never far away from the action. Now the crew gets to tell their side of the story.
/ Discovery,Andrew,Wood,Ross,Bowyer
1quot;South Islandquot;July 18, 2011 Bear Grylls must fling himself out of a lane and arachute to safety to reach this remote area. Crossing the country#39;s highest mountain range and starting a fire in a waterlogged forest are just some of the unredictable things he faces in this terrain. 2quot;Fire And Icequot;July 25, 2011 Bear Grylls is droed on an ice ca covering an active volcano. In blizzard conditions he struggles to make headway, and the barren land offers little food. Can he reach civilization when faced with swollen river crossings and ever resent flash floods? 3quot;Red Rock Countryquot; nbs; nbs;August 12, 2011 Bear Grylls is in red rock country - southern Utah. Armed only with a lasso, he descends a rock innacle and gets traed in a narrow gorge. Crossing an arid wilderness, he#39;s left hanging 100 ft above a ravine. And Bear#39;s craziest airlane stunt ever! 4quot;Land of The Maoriquot;August 19, 2011 Over 100 eole drown each year in New Zealand, and Bear must cross a raging river on a tree trunk to head toward civilization. On his journey to safety he runs out of water, is forced to climb u active volcanic ranges and scale down a waterfall. 5quot;Working the Wildquot;November 29, 2011 Bear Grylls takes the viewer behind the scenes to meet the crew that follows his every ste. Whether he#39;s juming from helicoters or eating the unimaginable, the camera is never far away from the action. Now the crew gets to tell their side of the story.
/ Discovery,Channel
玛雅日历转盘曾预测在公元2012年12月21号,将有一颗外太空流行撞击地球毁灭世界,同时世界各地核子发生爆炸,地球将陷入灭顶之灾。 2012世界某日同时被宗教领域、科学领域以及预言界预测过。一些伟大的预言学者,宗教典籍和科学证据都纷纷不约而同的指向2012可能得世界某日这一点上。 在这里我们将分析2012世界末日这个理论和预言,看看究竟是谁或者哪种组织将会潜在的造成全球的毁灭战争?自然界的哪种行为将会导致末日的到来?末日来临之前究竟有何迹象? 我们的古代预言家们也曾写下过不少记录。我们将对引用如下资料进行解读,诸如: 诺斯特拉达穆斯(法国星相学家) ,圣经,玛雅文明史以及其他关于有关2012年的书籍。 但是究竟是谁或者什么事情会导致末日来临呢?火山大爆发?瘟疫还是疾病?行星撞击地球?彗星大毁灭?魔鬼?全球变暖?还是核子战争呢? 世界末日在那天真的来临么,discovery探索频道专门专门为此做了一期节目,敬请收看。