
搜索"原田芳雄" ,找到 9部影视作品

/ 若松孝二
/ 北村龙平
日本战国时期,各地诸侯征伐不断,百姓妻离子散,苦不堪言。直到德川幕府建立,国内才稍事安定。然而仍有诸侯野心不死,蠢蠢欲动,和平的表象下暗潮汹涌。战乱中痛失爱子的小幡月斋(原田芳雄 饰)在南光坊天海大师(佐藤慶 饰)的指点下成立杀手集团,旨在刺杀那些图谋造反的诸侯大名。失去父母的少女阿墨(上戸彩 饰)和九名男孩被月斋收养,并接受杀手训练。他们不仅需要拥有精湛绝伦的武艺,还要抛弃一切情感和价值观。经过数年的磨练,阿莫和幸存的朋友出师,开始他们充满鲜血和厮杀的杀手之路…… 本片荣获2004年日本电影金像奖年度新人奖(上戸彩)和最受欢迎演员奖、2004年波士顿独立电影节评委会特别奖、2004年费城电影节观众奖。
/ 冢本晋也
/ 内详
This 1992 Jaanese film tells the story of a scientist who sets out to create the new quot;suer Adam and Evequot;, humans who cannot be controlled by their emotions. Of course, the end result it not exactly what the good doctor exects. nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;comments from imdb: nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;This modern tale of an attemt to build a creature is one of the best quot;horrorquot; films ever made, even if its not a horror film but something else entirely. Certainly its on my short list of all time great films. nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;This film was introduced to me by someone who told me quot;I have this film that robably one of the best films you#39;ll ever see. It will move you and touch you and make you think, but if I told you what it is and told you how its done you will think its the stuidest thing on the face of it and you won#39;t watch it.quot; Intrigued I asked what did he mean, and he said, quot;Well its a Frankenstein story, with a very goofy sort of edge, but which uses it to its advantage.quot; My ears erked u, and I being a trusting soul took the tae and watched it. I was blown away. nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;The lot concerns a mad scientist attemting to make a new Adam and Eve in the wake of a suicidal lague that is ravaging the world. Locked u in his lab his exeriments go differently then either he or we exect. Some of it is silly (The bolts in the neck, the wrestling moves...), all of it is touching and thought rovoking. nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;I can not recommend this movie enough. If you are willing to take the film on its terms and allow it to tell its story then I urge you to seek this film out and see it. This is an undiscovered gem that will stay with you forever. nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;15 out of 10 and then some. 1010 nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;Also known as quot;The Last Frankensteinquot;, this is an extraordinary, imeccably roduced horror film. Director Takeshi Kawamura uses Mary Shelley#39;s novel as a mere launching ad for an exloration of subjects as diverse and fascinating as the nature of love, desire, suicide, mass hynosis, sex, alienation and jealousy. nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;And though the film is dense with subtext, it is also stunningly hotograhed and rich in atmoshere and detail. The erformances are all amazing and Kawamura#39;s sensitive handling of the strange, delicate relationshis between the characters results in an emotionally charged, angst-ridden tragedy. nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;The scenes of the confused, troubled monster hurtling through a fog-shrouded forest at night are memorable and striking, as is a illiant home movie-style montage of the film#39;s more curious characters enjoying a recious afternoon at the beach. Kawamura creates resonating visual oetry of horror and sadness barely sighted since Todd Browning#39;s classic quot;Freaksquot;. nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs; nbs;Intelligent, emotional, tragic and real, this is an absolute gem. 910
/ J·F·劳顿
/ 岩松了
母亲过世后,民男(小田切让 饰)和父亲伸男(原田芳雄 饰)就过起了相依为命的日子,随着民男渐渐长大,他的婚姻大事逐渐成为了压在伸男肩上的负重。民男自幼腼腆,不善于表达自己感情的他在情场上自然是毫无起色,为了帮助不成器的儿子,伸男自说自话的为儿子牵起了红线。 在数次相亲未果后,一位名叫瞳(麻生久美子 饰)的女子出现在了民男的面前,瞳不仅相貌出众,性格更是温柔可人,十分罕见地,民男对瞳似乎充满了好感,更让伸男感到高兴的是,瞳竟然主动的提出了尽快结婚的请求,民男的幸福生活指日可待。然而,事情的真相真的如同看到的那般美好吗?婚后等待着民男的又会是怎样的生活呢?
/ 横浜聪子
居住在青森乡下的青年水木阳一(松山ケンイチ 饰)过着简单平凡的生活,他每日里按照爷爷留下的录音护理田间的作物,间或随着阿嬷走街串巷,叫卖这令他引以为豪的有机蔬菜。许是过于专注自己的生活,现实中的阳一行为举止颇为古怪,喜怒皆形于色,也因此给周围人带来诸多麻烦。某天,东京女孩神泉町子(麻生久美子 饰)来到青森。她在不久前刚刚失去男友,在占卜师的建议下町子进入当地一家幼儿园任职,准备展开新的生活。阳一为町子所吸引,展开了热烈却让人心烦的攻势。在一次和小孩们的玩耍中,阳一昏迷过去,醒来后性情居然发生了变化…… 本片荣获2009年电影旬报十佳影片第7名、第24回高崎电影节最佳男主角奖。
/ 黑木和雄
/ 佐藤纯弥