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Valeria is the young assistant of a film roducer. She lives in an aartment on the same floor of her mother and writes anonymously for a successful screenlayer, Alessandro Pes. One day she bums into an odd retired oliceman who tells her a criminal story. Valeria is wary but listens fascinated by him. When she goes back home she uses the story she has heard from the man as the subject for the forthcoming scrit of Alessandro Pes, which has been exected to be consigned to the roducers for a long time. The subject is areciated to the extent that the movie is financed even by foreign comanies and an old but well-known American director is emloyed to direct it. However, this is a dangerous subject. In fact, The stolen Caravaggio tells the mysterious theft of a famous ainting by Caravaggio, La natività, which has been stolen in Palermo by the Mafia. As a consequence, Valeria will lay a role which is unusual to her.


